
Cultivation of the Vine


This history of viticulture in Texas extends three centuries and the introduction of wine grapes into California at least a century ago. Viticulture is the study of grapes, production and science that deals with the procedures that take place in the vineyard. Grapevines were brought by Franciscans in 1682 while establishing a mission near El Paso. Many travelers called this region the El Paso Valley which is known as the leading grape growing and wine producing area.

Interest in grape culture and wine making in Texas started to rise in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Thomas V. Munson is referred as the “father” of Texas viticulture. Munson was one of the nation’s foremost grape breeders and viticulture authorities.

Terroir is defined as a group of vineyards that are from the same region and belong to a specific appellation. These vineyards share the same type of soil, weather conditions, and grapes.

Some things to consider when planting a vineyard are:
-variety/rootstock combination to be planted
-soil type

Vine Training system is very important to provide a sustainable growth formation of the vine, influences on the pruning process, helps facilitate harvesting, and assist in node quality for the renewal zone.

There are a few alternative cultivation methods such as:

-Biodynamic: Involves the use of a wide range of techniques that includes preparation, root growth, formation and metabolism. Other techniques used with biodynamic are composting and cultivation.

Organic Farming – This is a principal method used in cultivation. This method uses crop rotation, green manures, biological pest control and mechanical cultivation.

Sustainable agriculture – This method has three main goals: environmental stewardship, farm profitability, and prosperous farming communities.