Family Scrapbook: Crop of the Century!
Official Father’s Day has come and gone but every day is father’s day. Thank you to all who came to celebrate with us. So many fathers said thank you for doing a special weekend celebrating fatherhood! We are so glad to have offered it and will definitely do it next year as well.
Paul and I returned from our Lubbock crop-estimate trip just in time to attend Father’s Day Star of Texas wine tasting at Messina Hof. It was wonderful to report that the grape crop in Lubbock has never looked bigger or better. If weather remains our friend, we will truly have the crop of the century! We so appreciate all of our growers. What a group of amazingly dedicated and faithful people. Now the Pauls are mapping the wine tanks and barrels to prepare for all of the wonderful Texas juice to come into the winery.
Sophia Marie made her first marinara sauce from scratch. She harvested the tomatoes (which she loves to do because it is like hunting for red Easter Eggs), washed the tomatoes, removed the stems and leaves, and stirred them into the pan. She was very proud to tell her mama and dada all about it. We so appreciated Tanji Patton including Sophia Marie Rose’ in her recent blog. Click here to view the video/blog. We so appreciated Karen is doing well and we think Paul Anthony is eager to come early.
Have a wonderful week and hope to see you soon.
Merrill Bonarrigo