
Spice Up Your Thanksgiving Dinner!



Friends, family, food and wine… Thanksgiving is almost here! The best Thanksgiving meals include a combination of rich flavors like buttery mashed potatoes, a juicy turkey and sweet pumpkin pie. This year, balance these rich flavors with a little spice by drinking Gewürztraminer, our go-to Thanksgiving wine!

This versatile, semi-sweet white literally translates to “spicy grape” and is pronounced ga-vertz-trah-mee-nur. Spicy, floral and aromatic, it is perfect for balancing out the richness of your dinner while adding a pop of flavor to your sides. Gewürztraminer will also add a touch of spiciness to Thanksgiving desserts, whether you are a pumpkin or apple pie fan.

Try this: If you are bold and want to add even more spice to your Thanksgiving meal, ditch the cranberry sauce and try Messina Hof’s Gewürztraminer Raspberry Chipotle sauce on your turkey instead!

Happy Thanksgiving!