
Why Did We Decide to Open a Messina Hof Grapevine?


This weekend was such a celebration for the long awaited opening of Messina Hof Grapevine Winery.  What a perfect time to invite everyone into our new home.  The streets were filled with lights for Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life was playing at the cinema across the street, Santa was in the park next door, and Messina Hof’s hallways, tasting rooms, and winebar were filled with joyful VIPs and special guests who are all members of our Messina Hof extended family.

The most commonly asked question has been why did we decide on Grapevine.  I would respond by telling them about being at Grapefest since its inception, about Gary and Wanda Blagg who adopted Messina Hof at that first event and who have been our strongest supporters there, about Mayor Tate, PW McCallum, and the city council who are such visionaries and who have created a wonderful place to work and live, etc.

Then at the Chamber luncheon where Messina Hof was introduced as new members, the real answer came to me.  The prayer prior to the holiday meal was given by Shonda Schaefer, Executive Director of Grace ( whose mission is “Giving as we have received…to help those in need.”  With her permission I am sharing that prayer with you.

“We come before You, Lord, during this most festive of seasons and ask, ‘What can we bring to You?  What do we have that You do not already own? ‘.   Just like the little drummer boy, we have nothing for You but our love.

But, Lord, we know that by giving back to You the Best of what You have given us is all that You ask.  You have given to each of us in this room talents and gifts that are uniquely ours and it is our responsibility to take those talents and gifts, nurture and sharpen them, then use them to glorify You.  Lord, we ask that You bless and guide us in our journey to serve You by serving this community.  It is in Your Holy Name we say, Amen.”


This was the answer.  The people of Grapevine have always been ready and willing to share their gifts and talents and blessings with each other.  We experienced it with the volunteers at Grapefest, with the families that we met, with the fundraising support we have seen, with the elaborate expression of joy for the Christmas season by the merchants, and on and on.  Each seems to give back the best of what the Lord has given them.  We are blessed to be part of the Grapevine family and so appreciate their love and support of Messina Hof.