
Wines You’ll Want to Drink for Holiday Dessert!


Wines You’ll Want to Drink for Holiday Dessert!

It’s the holiday season, so wine not bring on the sweets! If you’re sewines for dessertarching for an alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth this season, look no further. Here are 3 wines you’ll want to drink for dessert…

Glory: A house favorite, Glory Late Harvest Moscato Mistella is the sweetest of Messina Hof’s wines. This wine is made from Muscat Canelli grapes and was brandy arrested and fermented to 16 percent alcohol. With majestically sweet flavors of peach, apricot and pear, Glory is meant to be savored at the end of a meal. 

Angel: A signature wine of Messina Hof since the early 1990s, Angel is another excellent choice for dessert. This crisp, sweet dessert wine is harvested from the last pick of Riesling when the grapes are like raisins. Angel was named for its angelic sweetness and in honor of the angels that are carved in stone on the front wall of the Messina Hof winery in Bryan. 

Solera Texas Sherry: Move over holiday pies, there’s a new favorite in town! Messina Hof’s Solera Texas Sherry has vanilla and creamy flavors, almond and cherry notes with an undertone of white chocolate and truffles. Grown in Bryan, Texas from the versatile Lenoir grape. This wine is slowly oxidized and baked in the Texas sun for three months to give the wine its outstanding flavor.